La protezione transfrontaliera degli adulti con disabilità cognitive in Italia e Spagna

22 Feb 2021

Locandina del webinar su The Rights of Persons with Cognitive Disabilities in Cross-border Situations

Lunedì 22 febbraio 2021, dalle 17 alle 19, avrà luogo un incontro online, in lingua inglese, dedicato al tema “The fundamental rights of persons with cognitive disabilities in cross-border situations. Time for Italy and Spain to Join the Hague Adults Convention“.

Il webinar, organizzato dall’Istituto di Studi Internazionali dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano e inserito tra le attività formative del progetto EJNita – Building Bridges, tratterà della protezione transfrontaliera degli adulti incapaci nella prospettiva della ratifica della Convenzione dell’Aja del 2000 ad opera di Italia e Spagna.

Questa la presentazione dell’evento:

   The Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults is currently in force for thirteen States. As the Hague Conference on Private International Law is preparing to host a Special Commission to review the practical operation of the Convention, scheduled to take place in 2022, other States – including Italy and Spain – are considering ratification. 

   The purpose of the webinar is to give an account of the domestic rules of private international law governing the protection of adults in Spain and Italy, and explore the benefits that joining the Convention would entail in the two countries for the adults concerned, the competent authorities and legal practitioners, including notaries.

   In carrying out this exercise, regard will be had, in particular, to the experience of Portugal, which became a party to the Convention in 2018.

   The organisers also seek to collect the views of stakeholders, notably human rights organisations with a focus on the rights of those with cognitive disabilities, regarding the issues surrounding the protection of such rights in cross-border situations, and the role that the Convention may play in enhancing such protection.

Il programma dell’incontro è disponibile qui.

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