Una raccolta di formulari in applicazione della Convenzione dell’Aja del 1993 sulle adozioni internazionali

by Omar Vanin

Il Permanent Bureau della Conferenza dell’Aja di diritto internazionale privato ha pubblicato una raccolta di formulari, disponibile in inglese e francese, consigliati per la redazione delle dichiarazioni, delle relazioni e dei certificati contemplati dalla Convenzione dell’Aja del 1993 sulla protezione dei minori e sulla cooperazione in materia di adozione internazionale.

Dal documento di presentazione dei formulari:

The aim of the Recommended Model Forms is to create more consistency among the content of the reports and forms and for ease of reference for Contracting Parties. In particular, Model Forms may provide an example or guidance for new Contracting Parties, as well as for Contracting Parties that wish to revise or improve their current forms. […]

However, the fact that the 1993 Adoption Convention has been in force since 1995, that it has over 100 Contracting Parties, that many of them have already developed their own forms to assist them in the implementation of the Convention and that some Contracting Parties have reported that it may be too challenging to agree on a uniform format, needs to be taken into consideration.
Therefore, it must be emphasised that the Model Forms are simply recommended and not compulsory and that Contracting Parties may continue using their own forms, in particular where they are more detailed and allow for a more complete assessment of the situation.

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